Sorry for the rant but let's start at the top; music. Mitch write his own music, 1-0 to Mitch. Mitch worked to get where he is, he wasn't put together by Simon Cowell due to being good looking, 2-0 to
Mitch. Mitch earned fans through SS's music, where as 1D did covers on a karaoke contest called the 'X factor' and had millions of fans before they even recorded a song, not shallow at all that... P.S. Nothing against 1D as people, and their music isn't horrible, but remember they didn't write it, so they can't get credited for it. Nothing against all 1D fans either, just the completely fucking stupid ones who need either teaching about life or need a back hander. I also actually quite like Bieber, but most of his fans are equally as ignorant and pathetic as the One Direction fans that tell little girls to commit suicide...
Genuinely beginning to think that there is a connection between how nice you are as a person and what music you listen to...
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